Finding a mature deer, let alone a mature buck is a feat above what most achieve. Let’s first define mature. In my immediate hunting area, a deer that reaches 3.5 year old is identified by most hunters as mature. This local definition is false and deer that reach 3.5 years, although are the elder deer and prospectively trophies, and not mature. A mature deer by definition is an animal that has reached the final stage of muscular and skeletal growth. The definition includes 4.5 to 6.5 year old deer.
With the definition out of the way, the easiest and most appropriate method to determine what is the oldest age class deer in your area is trail camera surveys. There is no doubt that a camera survey increases the ability to collect and analyze data. Understanding the local deer herd and which animals are in the upper age class through current and past camera surveys reveal the quality and the composition of the deer on a landowner or lessees’ property.
As mentioned, cameras are the number one tool to identifying deer, particularly mature bucks. Getting data and capitalizing on it are two different courses in the process of making a play on a buck. The deer on one of my hunting parcels travel in regular patterns that are further defined by focal bedding points enhanced with laid out cross and side cover. These locations are manipulated to lead deer to designated zones prior to reaching social zones and ultimately destination food sources. Seems complicated but it is really a maze of trails that come and go into defined bedding areas. If a deer is active on this parcel its fairly predictable what areas they will frequent. The last point is really the key to killing mature bucks. That does not mean that I can exactly determine when and why they chose each area they reside, but I can easily assess what areas they will exist during a specific time of year.
Taking it down another layer and thinking about the when and why is further improved upon by years of history. The mentioned property required 3 years of history to gain some valuable insight into the whys. During that period, observation combined with camera data has revealed weathers conditions that promote or decrease interest in a bedding area. Weather is not the absolute determining factor but plays a primary role in defining where deer prefer to reside for periods of time during the day. Assessing these focal points in more detail and considering the variations in habitat type, while considering the topography and air flow that is present is undoubtedly the fine points that will get you closer to mature bucks. Hopefully, you are starting to understand that everything really does revolve around bedding, at least its weighted much higher than food. The next step to ensuring that the odds go up is repeating this data collection process and work to enhance bedding areas. When you are able to better understand the whys and when and what deer want during the periods you are able to hunt and have this dialed in over multiple properties the probability of encountering a mature buck increases exponentially.
Summary – it’s all about data!!!! I cannot stop mentioning trail cameras. These electronic devices speed up learning curves. Taking the time to define areas that deer congregate and ensuring that the flow of travel is predictable is essentially the foundation to locating mature deer. Also, considering what deer like to do and when is the next step. Finally, enhancing a property to hold mature deer and permitting deer to reach an older age class requires time, trigger control and cooperation with neighbors.